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We’re all trying to feel better. That’s one thing we all have in common. But most of us aren’t good at it. I know I wasn’t. When I turned fifty, I started suffering exhaustion and depression and brain fog that made me anxious to the point of panic. I was desperate to feel better, so I tried to identify every possible trigger and remove it from my life. And that made everything worse. 


Here’s what I didn’t understand:  I thought I was running from danger. But I was actually running from fear. And running from fear increases fear. That’s why I felt worse. But here’s what I learned: fear can cause chronic pain and illness, and reducing fear can ease chronic pain and illness.     


How do we reduce fear? By facing it … carefully. That’s the core of the treatment that turned my life around:  a total reversal in the tactics of trying to feel better. I went from avoiding the feelings I was afraid of… to facing them and feeling them. It seems simple–and it is. But it takes guidance and it takes practice. It’s hard to change old habits, especially when we believe those habits are keeping us safe.


Chasing Peace is not just about my breakthrough – it’s about the medical breakthroughs that come when the healing power of reducing fear is validated by neuroscience. It’s also about the spiritual breakthroughs that come in abundance as we get better and better at reducing fear. If reducing fear can ease our back pain or brain fog, why stop there?  It keeps getting better. When fear goes, what’s left is love. 

Praise for Chasing Peace

Excerpts from the Audio Book

Passages from Chasing Peace


I’m a writer and meditator, mostly. I’ve done other things… I’ve loaded trucks, bussed tables, worked on a derrick barge, taught high school, played chess, traveled the world, studied languages, coached soccer, even worked trading stock options. But I’m a meditator and a writer, mostly of speeches. I’ve written for political leaders, for a congressman, a governor, a president. But when I’ve had my chance and my choice, I’ve been honored to write for leaders who raised their voices for peace and justice, for equality and dignity and love. 


I was raised Catholic and went to Notre Dame and majored in philosophy. During one formative year there, I got in trouble for drinking too much, started to see an alcohol counselor, began reading about psychology, saw a film in religion class of a monk in meditation, began to practice meditation myself, and then quit drinking. That came forty-five years ago. But I feel it today. It launched me on a search for my spiritual path. 


The messy, humbling, confusing health odyssey I describe in this book was inevitable, I guess. And for my own good. I had to face a puzzle I couldn’t solve so that I could (to quote a Jungian) have the arrogance beaten out of me by years of fruitless searching. What I have now is all I’ve ever wanted: a deep faith, a clear path, a practice that works, and a mind that’s (most days) full of joy. I hope this book can help others find the same, and faster than I did.  

Latest Amazon Reviews

Mr Hal Greenham
A rare combination of deep personal honesty and scientific enquiry... Yields inspiration and hope for recovery for many who suffer from pain anxiety or depression.
Zibby Owens
Reading this book felt like embarking on a profound journey of transformation alongside the author. Rosshirt’s vulnerability in sharing his struggles—from mysterious ailments that confounded doctors to deep-rooted addictions and family tragedy—creates an instant connection. What truly resonates are his hard-won insights. When he describes how running from fear ultimately makes us sick both physically and emotionally, I experienced a jolt of recognition. His reminder that breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs if we are willing to face our fears head-on is a powerful reframe.... *Chasing Peace* is a raw, eye-opening, and ultimately empowering read that I know I will return to for its wisdom again and again.
MaryEllen Blair
This book is the perfect book. I am convinced that Tom Rosshirt wrote this book for me specifically. It hits home on every point...
Rick Newcombe
This is a fascinating book with so many insights, which were acquired during the author’s experiences — all told as compelling stories. Tom Rosshirt tells the stories from his own life and also from his studying of what makes for relaxed confidence and happiness. I realize he might object to the word “happiness” here, but that’s okay. It is my interpretation. I suspect he would say “acceptance” better describes his message. Either way, Rosshirt is such a good writer that I found myself reading one chapter after another, not wanting it to end. I highly recommend this book.
I am blown away by the power and beauty of “Chasing Peace.” The author takes us on an amazing journey, with a story, a voice, a level of humility and humor, that goes from Hell to grace. Anyone who finds themselves seeking a journey towards peace will find a guide in Rosshirt, explaining how the various spiritual and healing approaches worked or didn’t work for him, including close up looks at some of the great teachers of our day like Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Brené Brown and others. It’s a powerful reminder that our personal growth, and growth as a human race, when we are open to it, can come from crisis, indeed must come from crisis, if we are to get to where we aspire.
I could not put this book down. He struck the perfect balance of using personal stories with sharing wisdom from experts and non-experts alike in a way that makes the book both compelling and useful. I laughed out loud many times, and just as many times I winced at seeing myself in his struggles and in how he brings to life the challenges of being human. In particular, his description of the self image as it relates to parenting resonated so strongly that I've already begun using a new lens based on some of the practical tools he shares. After reading you'll want to give it to a friend or family member (but you won't want to lend out your own!)
I have to write this review and share how profoundly moving this book is. I haven't had a book inspire me this much in a very long time. The insights astound me, and I mean that wholeheartedly. I could hardly stop reading it yesterday and had so many things to do...
I am not typically attracted to "self-help" or "spiritual" books. What I really love is a good story -- particularly stories about real people who make me see or think about things in a different way. Chasing Peace drew me in with stories about the author that made me laugh and cry and then laugh some more (out loud!). But woven throughout the narrative were lessons and insights that have changed how I see everything, especially how I see myself and my own story. Chasing Peace is a beautiful and poignant memoir. AND a spiritual guidebook and self-help manual. Most of all, it's a must read!
Chasing Peace: A Story of Breakdowns, Breakthroughs, and the Spiritual Power of Neuroscience is an extraordinary and beautiful book. Extraordinary as it is highly engaging and makes one think about the sense of self and, well, how we “chase peace”. It also delved into many topics of which we all, to one degree or another, navigate in our lives. While not all of these are ones that I necessarily struggle with, more than a few I have or do and the perspectives and insights across all of them were thought provoking and beneficial... (click to read more)

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